Source code for pyflight.requester

Provides an easy-to-use interface to use pyflight with.
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from .api import requester
from .result import Result

__API_KEY = ''
MAX_PRICE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[A-Z]{3}\d+(\.\d+)?')

[docs]class Slice: """Represents a slice that makes up a single itinerary of this trip. For example, for one-way trips, usually one slice is used. A round trip would use two slices. (e.g. SFO - FRA - SFO) Optional attributes default to ``None`` or an empty list if applicable, but can be set if wanted. Attributes ---------- raw_data : dict The raw JSON / dictionary data which will be sent to the API. origin : str The airport or city IATA designator of the origin. destination : str The airport or city IATA designator of the destination. date : str The date on which this flight should take place, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. max_stops : Optional[int] The maximum amount of stops that the passenger(s) are willing to accept on this slice. max_connection_duration : Optional[int] The longest duration (in minutes) between two legs that passengers are willing to accept preferred_cabin : Optional[str] The preferred cabin for this slice. Allowed values are COACH, PREMIUM_COACH, BUSINESS, and FIRST. A :class:`ValueError` is raised if a value is assigned that is not listed above. earliest_departure_time : Optional[str] The earliest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM. latest_departure_time : Optional[str] The latest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM. permitted_carriers : List[str] A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators for which results should be returned. prohibited_carriers : List[str] A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators, for which no results will be returned. """ def __init__(self, origin: str, destination: str, date: str): """Create a new slice. Parameters ---------- origin : str The airport or city IATA designator of the origin. destination : str The airport or city IATA designator of the destination. date : str The date on which this flight should take place, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. """ self.raw_data = { 'kind': 'qpxexpress#sliceInput', 'origin': origin, 'destination': destination, 'date': date } @property def origin(self) -> str: """The airport or city IATA designator of the origin.""" return self.raw_data['origin'] @origin.setter def origin(self, new_origin: str): self.raw_data['origin'] = new_origin @property def destination(self) -> str: """The airport or city IATA designator of the destination.""" return self.raw_data['destination'] @destination.setter def destination(self, new_destination: str): self.raw_data['destination'] = new_destination @property def date(self) -> str: """ The date on which this flight should take place, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. """ return self.raw_data['date'] @date.setter def date(self, new_date: str): self.raw_data['date'] = new_date @property def max_stops(self) -> Optional[int]: """ The maximum amount of stops that the passenger(s) are willing to accept on this slice. """ return self.raw_data.get('maxStops', None) @max_stops.setter def max_stops(self, max_stops: int): self.raw_data['max_stops'] = max_stops @property def max_connection_duration(self) -> Optional[int]: """ The longest duration (in minutes) between two legs that passengers are willing to accept """ return self.raw_data.get('maxConnectionDuration', None) @max_connection_duration.setter def max_connection_duration(self, new_max_duration: int): self.raw_data['maxConnectionDuration'] = new_max_duration @property def preferred_cabin(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The preferred cabin for this slice. Allowed values are COACH, PREMIUM_COACH, BUSINESS, and FIRST. A :class:`ValueError` is raised if a value is assigned that is not listed above. """ return self.raw_data.get('preferredCabin', None) @preferred_cabin.setter def preferred_cabin(self, new_preferred_cabin: str): if new_preferred_cabin not in ALLOWED_PREFERRED_CABINS: raise ValueError('Invalid value for preferred_cabin') self.raw_data['preferredCabin'] = new_preferred_cabin @property def _permitted_departure_time(self) -> dict: if 'permittedDepartureTime' not in self.raw_data: self.raw_data['permittedDepartureTime'] = { 'kind': 'qpxexpress#timeOfDayRange' } return self.raw_data['permittedDepartureTime'] @property def earliest_departure_time(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The earliest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM. """ return self._permitted_departure_time.get('earliestTime', None) @earliest_departure_time.setter def earliest_departure_time(self, new_edt: str): self._permitted_departure_time['earliestTime'] = new_edt @property def latest_departure_time(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The latest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM. """ return self._permitted_departure_time.get('latestTime', None) @latest_departure_time.setter def latest_departure_time(self, new_ldt: str): self._permitted_departure_time['latestTime'] = new_ldt @property def permitted_carriers(self) -> List[str]: """ A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators for which results should be returned. """ return self.raw_data.get('permittedCarrier', []) @permitted_carriers.setter def permitted_carriers(self, new_permitted_carriers: list): self.raw_data['permittedCarrier'] = new_permitted_carriers @property def prohibited_carriers(self) -> List[str]: """ A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators, for which no results will be returned. """ return self.raw_data.get('prohibitedCarrier', []) @prohibited_carriers.setter def prohibited_carriers(self, new_prohibited_carriers: list): self.raw_data['prohibitedCarrier'] = new_prohibited_carriers
[docs]class Request: r"""Represents a Request that can be sent to the API instead of using a dictionary manually. Please note that each Request requires at least 1 adult or senior passenger. Optional attributes default to ``None``. Attributes ---------- raw_data : dict The raw JSON / dictionary data which will be sent to the API. adult_count : int The amount of passengers that are adults. children_count : int The amount of passengers that are children. infant_in_lap_count : int The amount of passengers that are infants travelling in the lap of an adult. infant_in_seat_count : int The amount of passengers that are infants assigned a seat. senior_count : int The amount of passengers that are senior citizens. max_price : Optional[str] The maximum price below which results should be returned. The currency is specified in ISO-4217, and setting this attribute is validated using the regex ``[A-Z]{3}\d+(\.\d+)?``. If it does not match, a :class:`ValueError` is raised. sale_country : Optional[str] The IATA country code representing the point of sale. Determines the currency. ticketing_country : Optional[str] The IATA country code representing the point of ticketing, for example ``DE``. refundable : Optional[bool] Whether to return only results with refundable fares or not. solution_count : int The amount of solutions to return. Defaults to 1, maximum is 500. Raises a :class:`ValueError` when trying to assign a value outside of 1 to 500. """ def __init__(self): """Create a new Request.""" self.raw_data = { 'request': { 'passengers': {}, 'slice': [], 'solutions': 1 } }
[docs] def add_slice(self, slice_: Slice): """Adds a slice to this Request. Parameters ---------- slice_ : :class:`Slice` The Slice to be added to the request. Returns ------- self To ease chaining of this function, ``self`` is returned. """ self.raw_data['request']['slice'].append(slice_.raw_data) return self
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """ Returns the raw data associated with this request, which is sent to the API when calling send_sync or send_async. """ return self.raw_data
[docs] def send_sync(self, use_containers: bool = True) -> Union[Result, dict]: """Synchronously execute a request. Internally, this calls :meth:`pyflight.send_sync()`. You can also call the function directly. For further information, please view documentation for :meth:`pyflight.send_sync()`. """ return send_sync(self, use_containers=use_containers)
[docs] async def send_async(self, use_containers: bool = True) -> Union[Result, dict]: """Asynchronously execute a request. Internally, this calls :meth:`pyflight.send_async()`. You can also call the function directly. For further information, please view documentation for :meth:`pyflight.send_async()`. """ return send_async(self, use_containers=use_containers)
@property def adult_count(self) -> int: """The amount of passengers that are adults.""" return self.raw_data['request']['passengers'].get('adultCount', 0) @adult_count.setter def adult_count(self, count: int): self.raw_data['request']['passengers']['adultCount'] = count @property def children_count(self) -> int: """The amount of passengers that are children.""" return self.raw_data['request']['passengers'].get('childrenCount', 0) @children_count.setter def children_count(self, count: int): self.raw_data['request']['passengers']['childrenCount'] = count @property def infant_in_lap_count(self) -> int: """ The amount of passengers that are infants travelling in the lap of an adult. """ return self.raw_data['request']['passengers'].get('infantInLapCount', 0) @infant_in_lap_count.setter def infant_in_lap_count(self, count: int): self.raw_data['request']['passengers']['infantInLapCount'] = count @property def infant_in_seat_count(self) -> int: """The amount of passengers that are infants assigned a seat.""" return self.raw_data['request']['passengers'].get( 'infantInSeatCount', 0 ) @infant_in_seat_count.setter def infant_in_seat_count(self, count: int): self.raw_data['request']['passengers']['infantInSeatCount'] = count @property def senior_count(self) -> int: """The amount of passengers that are senior citizens.""" return self.raw_data['request']['passengers'].get('seniorCount', 0) @senior_count.setter def senior_count(self, count: int): self.raw_data['request']['passengers']['seniorCount'] = count @property def max_price(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The maximum price below which results should be returned, specified in ISO-421 format. """ return self.raw_data['request'].get('maxPrice', None) @max_price.setter def max_price(self, max_price: str): if not re.match(MAX_PRICE_REGEX, max_price): err_msg = 'max_price given (\'{}\') does not match ISO-4217 format' raise ValueError(err_msg.format(max_price)) self.raw_data['request']['maxPrice'] = max_price @property def sale_country(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The IATA country code representing the point of sale. Determines the currency. """ return self.raw_data['request'].get('saleCountry', None) @sale_country.setter def sale_country(self, sale_country: str): self.raw_data['request']['saleCountry'] = sale_country @property def ticketing_country(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The IATA country code representing the point of ticketing, for example ``DE``. """ return self.raw_data['request'].get('ticketingCountry', None) @ticketing_country.setter def ticketing_country(self, country: str): self.raw_data['request']['ticketingCountry'] = country @property def refundable(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Whether to return only results with refundable fares or not.""" return self.raw_data['request'].get('refundable', None) @refundable.setter def refundable(self, refundable: bool): self.raw_data['request']['refundable'] = refundable @property def solution_count(self): """The amount of solutions to return. Defaults to 1.""" return self.raw_data['request']['solutions'] @solution_count.setter def solution_count(self, count: int): if not 1 < count < 500: raise ValueError('solution_count must be 1-500') self.raw_data['request']['solutions'] = count
[docs]def set_api_key(key: str): """Set the API key to use with the API. Parameters ---------- key : str The API key to execute requests with. """ requester.api_key = key
[docs]async def send_async(request_body: Union[dict, Request], use_containers: bool = True): """Asynchronously execute and send a JSON Request or a :class:`Request`. This is a coroutine - calling this function must be awaited. Parameters ---------- request_body : Union[dict, Request] The body of the request to be sent to the API. This must follow the structure described here: It is heavily recommended to use :class:`Request` instead of constructing request bodies manually. use_containers : Optional[bool] Whether the containers given should be used or not. If False is given, any API call will return a dictionary of the "raw" API data without any modification. Otherwise, an API call will return a :class:`Result` object. Raises ------ :class:`APIException` If the API call did not return the normal `200` status code and thus, an error occurred. Returns ------- :class:`Result` If ``use_containers`` is ``True`` and no Error occurred. dict If ``use_containers`` is ``False``, as a raw dictionary without any adjustments. """ if isinstance(request_body, dict): response = await requester.post_request(BASE_URL, request_body) elif isinstance(request_body, Request): response = await requester.post_request( BASE_URL, request_body.raw_data ) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported Request Type') if use_containers: return Result(response) return response
[docs]def send_sync(request_body: Union[dict, Request], use_containers: bool = True): """Synchronously execute and send a JSON-Request or a :class:`Request. Note that this function is blocking. Parameters ---------- request_body : Union[dict, Request] The body of the request to be sent to the API. This must follow the structure described here: It is heavily recommended to use :class:`Request` instead of constructing request bodies manually. use_containers : Optional[bool] Whether the containers given should be used or not. If False is given, any API call will return a dictionary of the "raw" API data without any modification. Otherwise, the API call will return a :class:`Result` object. Raises ------ :class:`APIException` If the API call did not return the normal `200` status code and thus, an error occurred. Returns ------- :class:`Result` If ``use_containers`` is ``True`` and no Error occurred. dict If ``use_containers`` is ``False`, as a raw dictionary without any adjustments. """ if isinstance(request_body, dict): response = requester.post_request_sync(BASE_URL, request_body) elif isinstance(request_body, Request): response = requester.post_request_sync(BASE_URL, request_body.raw_data) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported Request Type') if use_containers: return Result(response) return response