API Reference

This page shows the functions and classes exposed by pyflight. A lot of attributes wrap the required parameters for the QPX API and thus result in documentation similiar to the one found on the official QPX Express API reference, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Basic Configuration

pyflight.set_api_key(key: str)

Set the API key to use with the API.

Parameters:key (str) – The API key to execute requests with.

Making Requests

class pyflight.Request

Represents a Request that can be sent to the API instead of using a dictionary manually.

Please note that each Request requires at least 1 adult or senior passenger. Optional attributes default to None.


dict – The raw JSON / dictionary data which will be sent to the API.


int – The amount of passengers that are adults.


int – The amount of passengers that are children.


int – The amount of passengers that are infants travelling in the lap of an adult.


int – The amount of passengers that are infants assigned a seat.


int – The amount of passengers that are senior citizens.


Optional[str] – The maximum price below which results should be returned. The currency is specified in ISO-4217, and setting this attribute is validated using the regex [A-Z]{3}\d+(\.\d+)?. If it does not match, a ValueError is raised.


Optional[str] – The IATA country code representing the point of sale. Determines the currency.


Optional[str] – The IATA country code representing the point of ticketing, for example DE.


Optional[bool] – Whether to return only results with refundable fares or not.


int – The amount of solutions to return. Defaults to 1, maximum is 500. Raises a ValueError when trying to assign a value outside of 1 to 500.

add_slice(slice_: pyflight.requester.Slice)

Adds a slice to this Request.

Parameters:slice (Slice) – The Slice to be added to the request.
Returns:To ease chaining of this function, self is returned.
Return type:self

The amount of passengers that are adults.

as_dict() → dict

Returns the raw data associated with this request, which is sent to the API when calling send_sync or send_async.


The amount of passengers that are children.


The amount of passengers that are infants travelling in the lap of an adult.


The amount of passengers that are infants assigned a seat.


The maximum price below which results should be returned, specified in ISO-421 format.


Whether to return only results with refundable fares or not.


The IATA country code representing the point of sale. Determines the currency.

send_async(use_containers: bool = True) → typing.Union[pyflight.results.Result, dict]

Asynchronously execute a request.

Internally, this calls pyflight.send_async(). You can also call the function directly. For further information, please view documentation for pyflight.send_async().

send_sync(use_containers: bool = True) → typing.Union[pyflight.results.Result, dict]

Synchronously execute a request.

Internally, this calls pyflight.send_sync(). You can also call the function directly. For further information, please view documentation for pyflight.send_sync().


The amount of passengers that are senior citizens.


The amount of solutions to return. Defaults to 1.


The IATA country code representing the point of ticketing, for example DE.

class pyflight.Slice(origin: str, destination: str, date: str)

Represents a slice that makes up a single itinerary of this trip.

For example, for one-way trips, usually one slice is used. A round trip would use two slices. (e.g. SFO - FRA - SFO)

Optional attributes default to None or an empty list if applicable, but can be set if wanted.


dict – The raw JSON / dictionary data which will be sent to the API.


str – The airport or city IATA designator of the origin.


str – The airport or city IATA designator of the destination.


str – The date on which this flight should take place, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


Optional[int] – The maximum amount of stops that the passenger(s) are willing to accept on this slice.


Optional[int] – The longest duration (in minutes) between two legs that passengers are willing to accept


Optional[str] – The preferred cabin for this slice. Allowed values are COACH, PREMIUM_COACH, BUSINESS, and FIRST. A ValueError is raised if a value is assigned that is not listed above.


Optional[str] – The earliest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM.


Optional[str] – The latest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM.


List[str] – A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators for which results should be returned.


List[str] – A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators, for which no results will be returned.


The date on which this flight should take place, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


The airport or city IATA designator of the destination.


The earliest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM.


The latest time for departure, local to the point of departure. Formatted as HH:MM.


The longest duration (in minutes) between two legs that passengers are willing to accept


The maximum amount of stops that the passenger(s) are willing to accept on this slice.


The airport or city IATA designator of the origin.


A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators for which results should be returned.


The preferred cabin for this slice. Allowed values are COACH, PREMIUM_COACH, BUSINESS, and FIRST. A ValueError is raised if a value is assigned that is not listed above.


A list of 2-letter IATA airline designators,

for which no results will be returned.

pyflight.send_async(request_body: typing.Union[dict, pyflight.requester.Request], use_containers: bool = True)
Asynchronously execute and send a JSON Request or a Request.
This is a coroutine - calling this function must be awaited.
  • request_body (Union[dict, Request]) – The body of the request to be sent to the API. This must follow the structure described here: https://developers.google.com/qpx-express/v1/trips/search It is heavily recommended to use Request instead of constructing request bodies manually.
  • use_containers (Optional[bool]) – Whether the containers given should be used or not. If False is given, any API call will return a dictionary of the “raw” API data without any modification. Otherwise, an API call will return a Result object.

APIException – If the API call did not return the normal 200 status code and thus, an error occurred.


  • Result – If use_containers is True and no Error occurred.
  • dict – If use_containers is False, as a raw dictionary without any adjustments.

pyflight.send_sync(request_body: typing.Union[dict, pyflight.requester.Request], use_containers: bool = True)

Synchronously execute and send a JSON-Request or a :class:`Request. Note that this function is blocking.

  • request_body (Union[dict, Request]) – The body of the request to be sent to the API. This must follow the structure described here: https://developers.google.com/qpx-express/v1/trips/search It is heavily recommended to use Request instead of constructing request bodies manually.
  • use_containers (Optional[bool]) – Whether the containers given should be used or not. If False is given, any API call will return a dictionary of the “raw” API data without any modification. Otherwise, the API call will return a Result object.

APIException – If the API call did not return the normal 200 status code and thus, an error occurred.


  • Result – If use_containers is True and no Error occurred.
  • dict – If use_containers is ``False`, as a raw dictionary without any adjustments.

class pyflight.APIException(code: int, message: str, reason: str, *args, **kwargs)

Custom Exception that is raised from the Requests when an API call goes wrong, meaning the API did not

return a status code of 200.


int – The code of the Error that was returned


str – The error message as returned by the API


str – The reason as specified by the API


    flight_info = send_sync(my_request_body, use_containers=False)
except pyflight.APIException as err:
    print('Error trying to execute a request:')

The Exception will be formatted as: ‘<status-code>: <error-message> (reason)’, for example 400: Bad Request (keyInvalid)

Working with the Response

These provide several Classes that contain the Results of a Request to simplify accessing them, as well as offering several Methods to work with the Data from the Result.

Some of the Documentation is extracted from the resource reference from the API itself, for which a full documentation can be found here: https://developers.google.com/qpx-express/v1/trips/search

class pyflight.results.Result(data: dict)

Contains Results of an API Call.

This Class supports various magic methods:

x == y
Checks if two Results are identical. This is equivalent to x.request_id == y.request_id.
x != y
Checks if two Results are not identical to each other. This is equivalent to x.request_id != y.request_id.
Returns the request_id for the Result this is invoked on.
for trip in x
This will call __iter__ of Result and return an iterator over the Trips saved in this Result.

str – Specifies the Request ID, unique for each Request.


List[Airport] – Contains Data for the Flights found in the Response.


List[Aircraft] – Contains the Code and the Name of the Aircraft found in the Response.


List[Carrier] – Contains the Code and the Name of the Carriers found in the Response.


List[City] – Contains the Code and the Name of the Cities found in the Response.


List[Tax] – Contains the Code and the Name of the Taxes found in the Response.


List[Trip] – Contains information about trips (itinerary solutions) returned by the API. The Amount of Trips is determined by the amount of Solutions set in the Request.

as_dict() → dict

Returns a dictionary representation of this Result.

Useful for serializing data to JSON. Internally, this calls as_dict() on all of its members.

Returns:The data stored in this Result as key / value pairs.
Return type:dict
class pyflight.results.Carrier(code: str, name: str)

This Class inherits from FlightData and thus, supports all operations that FlightData supports. This represents a Tax with a code (unique identifier) and a Name. This will also be reflected in the Pricing section of a Trip, but with more information such as the charge type, the country, and the price of the Tax. For Examples, view the “Examples” section for FlightData.

class pyflight.results.City(code: str, name: str)

This Class inherits from FlightData and thus, supports all operations that FlightData supports. This represents a Tax with a code (unique identifier) and a Name. This will also be reflected in the Pricing section of a Trip, but with more information such as the charge type, the country, and the price of the Tax. For Examples, view the “Examples” section for FlightData.

class pyflight.results.Tax(code: str, name: str)

This Class inherits from FlightData and thus, supports all operations that FlightData supports. This represents a Tax with a code (unique identifier) and a Name. This will also be reflected in the Pricing section of a Trip, but with more information such as the charge type, the country, and the price of the Tax. For Examples, view the “Examples” section for FlightData.

class pyflight.results.Airport(airport: dict)

Contains Data of an Airport and its City Code.

This Class supports various magic methods:

x == y
Compare two Airports with each other for equality by their Airport and City Codes.
x != y
Compare two Airports with each other for inequality.

Get the Airport’s Name

>>> str(my_airport)
'ABC International'

str – The Code of this Airport


str – The Name of this Airport


str – The Code of the City associated with the Airport


Get a dictionary representation of the Airport.


>>> airport = {
    'code': '3E7', 'city': 'XYZ', 'name': 'Example Airport'
>>> example_airport = Airport(airport)
>>> example_airport.as_dict()
    'code': '3E7',
    'city': 'XYZ',
    'name': 'Example Airport',
Returns:A dictionary representing this Airport.
Return type:dict
class pyflight.results.Trip(trip_data: dict)

Contains Information about one Trip - an itinerary solution - from the API.

This class supports various magic methods:

x == y
Compares two Trips with each other for equality. Returns True when x.id == y.id.
x != y
Compares two Trips with each other for inequality. Returns True when x.id != y.id.
Returns the id of the Trip this is invoked on.

str – The total price as Currency followed by the Amount for all Passengers on the Trip, e.g. 'USD59.00'


str – The unique ID given to each Trip


List[Route] – A list of Routes from this Trip


List[Pricing] – A list of pricing data from this Trip

as_dict() → dict

Get a dictionary representation of this Trip.

Returns:A dictionary containing the attributes of this Trip as key / value pairs.
Return type:dict